About me

I am a physicist at the Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physic Polish Academy of Sciences in Cracow, Poland. My research is focused on high energy particle physics and is connected to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, Geneva. My main contributions are in the domain of forward physics – studies of hadron interactions in the regime of very low scattering angles. I devote most of my time to the experimental work (data analysis) but I am interested also in phenomenology.


Highlights from my activities

ATLAS Forward Proton detectors

New detectors in the ATLAS Experiment at LHC

ATLAS ALFA detectors

Measurements of proton–proton elastic scattering at very low angles

Photon fusion process

Measurement of photon-photon → lepton pair

Collisions of heavy ions

New method for probing collision geometry

Magnetic monopoles

Modeling geometry of the MoEDAL Experiment


Studies on diffraction-related phenomena in strong interactions

Offer for students

Collaboration and thesis supervision

I am interested in collaboration with good and motivated students. If you are looking for supervisor or an interesting topic for a diploma or doctoral thesis, do not hesitate to contact me.


Popular science lectures

I accept invitations for popular science lectures about particle physics at venues in a reasonable distance from Cracow.


You can contact me via the contact form