Teaching and outreach

My experience in sharing knowledge

I accept invitations to give popular-science lectures about particle physics at venues in a reasonable distance from Cracow. You can contact me via the contact me.

Talks for general audiencs

Introduction to elementary particle physics (orig. Wprowadzenie do fizyki cząstek elementarnych), International Masterclasses – hands on particle physics, 12 – 09.03.2013, Kraków, Poland
Introduction to elementary particle physics (orig. Wprowadzenie do fizyki cząstek elementarnych), Particle physics workshop for high-school students (orig. Fizyka cząstek elementarnych – Warsztaty popularnonaukowe), 18, 23.10.2014, Kraków, Poland (link)
Fundamentals of electronics and Arduino (orig. Podstawy elektroniki i Arduino), "Play in science" project (orig. Projekt "Zagraj w naukę"), 27.10.2014, Bielsko-Biała, Poland (link)
Day-to-day work of a particle physicist (orig. Jak wygląda praca fizyka cząstek?), Fundamentals of particle physics – workshop (orig. Warsztaty "Podstawy fizyki cząstek elementarnych"), 16.05.2015, Sandomierz, Poland (link)
Quantum field theory and the Higgs bozon (orig. Kwantowa teoria pola i bozon Higgsa), invited lecture at VII High School, 20.05.2016, Kraków, Poland
ROOT – Introduction, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2018, 04.07.2018, Kraków, Poland (link, link)
Introduction to QCD physics, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2018, 09.07.2018, Kraków, Poland (link)
Proton billiard or why and how we measure elastic scattering at LHC (orig. Bilard protonowy czyli po co i jak mierzymy rozpraszanie elastyczne na LHC), Seminar of scientific association of physics students Bozon (orig. Seminarium SNKF Bozon AGH), 02.04.2019, AGH-UST, Kraków, Poland
ROOT – Introduction, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2019, 11.07.2019, Kraków, Poland (link, link)
LHC as a photon–photon collider, Trans-European School of High-Energy Physics TESHEP, 17.07.2019, Svityaz, Volyn region, Ukraine (link)
Introduction to QCD physics, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2019, 22.07.2019, Kraków, Poland (link)
ROOT – Introduction, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2020, 09.07.2020, online (link, link, link)
Proton diffraction at high energies (orig. Dyfrakcja protonów przy wysokich energiach), IFJ PAN Open Day for students (orig. Dzień otwarty dla studentów IFJ PAN), 18.06.2021, online


You can contact me via the contact form