Teaching and outreach
My experience in sharing knowledge
I accept invitations to give popular-science lectures about particle physics at venues in a reasonable distance from Cracow. You can contact me via the contact me.
My experience in sharing knowledge
I accept invitations to give popular-science lectures about particle physics at venues in a reasonable distance from Cracow. You can contact me via the contact me.
Introduction to elementary particle physics (orig. Wprowadzenie do fizyki cząstek elementarnych), International Masterclasses – hands on particle physics, 12 – 09.03.2013, Kraków, Poland |
Introduction to elementary particle physics (orig. Wprowadzenie do fizyki cząstek elementarnych), Particle physics workshop for high-school students (orig. Fizyka cząstek elementarnych – Warsztaty popularnonaukowe), 18, 23.10.2014, Kraków, Poland (link) |
Fundamentals of electronics and Arduino (orig. Podstawy elektroniki i Arduino), "Play in science" project (orig. Projekt "Zagraj w naukę"), 27.10.2014, Bielsko-Biała, Poland (link) |
Day-to-day work of a particle physicist (orig. Jak wygląda praca fizyka cząstek?), Fundamentals of particle physics – workshop (orig. Warsztaty "Podstawy fizyki cząstek elementarnych"), 16.05.2015, Sandomierz, Poland (link) |
Quantum field theory and the Higgs bozon (orig. Kwantowa teoria pola i bozon Higgsa), invited lecture at VII High School, 20.05.2016, Kraków, Poland |
ROOT – Introduction, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2018, 04.07.2018, Kraków, Poland (link, link) |
Introduction to QCD physics, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2018, 09.07.2018, Kraków, Poland (link) |
Proton billiard or why and how we measure elastic scattering at LHC (orig. Bilard protonowy czyli po co i jak mierzymy rozpraszanie elastyczne na LHC), Seminar of scientific association of physics students Bozon (orig. Seminarium SNKF Bozon AGH), 02.04.2019, AGH-UST, Kraków, Poland |
ROOT – Introduction, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2019, 11.07.2019, Kraków, Poland (link, link) |
LHC as a photon–photon collider, Trans-European School of High-Energy Physics TESHEP, 17.07.2019, Svityaz, Volyn region, Ukraine (link) |
Introduction to QCD physics, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2019, 22.07.2019, Kraków, Poland (link) |
ROOT – Introduction, IFJ PAN Particle Physics Summer Student Programme 2020, 09.07.2020, online (link, link, link) |
Proton diffraction at high energies (orig. Dyfrakcja protonów przy wysokich energiach), IFJ PAN Open Day for students (orig. Dzień otwarty dla studentów IFJ PAN), 18.06.2021, online |
You can contact me via the contact form